
Linux + Eclipse + Flex

First, you must have Linux installed.
Second, links for downloading soft:

* Eclipse
Note: Flex version for Linux will work well with Eclipse 3.3.2 .

* Adobe® Flex Builder™ Linux alpha

Unzip Eclipse on your /home/username. Example: /home/devcesar/eclipse. You may change "devcesar" with the name of your home.
Execute "flexbuilder_linux_install_axxxx.bin".
Select /home/devcesar/eclipse as your Eclipse path. It will show a warning message, dont pay attention.
The install path will be "/home/devcesar/Adobe_Flex_Builder_Linux" and the executable will be "Adobe_Flex_builder.sh".
Just execute and select project->new->flex project.
Important: Features dont present in this Linux version:
* Design view
* States view
* Refactoring
* Data Wizards
* Cold Fusion - Data Services Wizard
* Web Services introspection
* Profiler

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